I-Light - BGP Communities Supported by I-Light

I-Light - BGP Communities

This document describes the BGP Communities used by the I-Light. This includes communities that the I-Light tags simply to add meta-data to BGP prefixes and communities that I-Light members can set to influence routing behavior at I-Light.

BGP Communities the I-Light sets:
1767:1001Tagged to all I-Light Member Prefixes
1767:201Tagged to all R&E Prefixes
1767:202 Tagged to all Commodity Prefixes
1767:10000Tagged to all Indiana Gigapop Cache Prefixes
BGP Communities that I-Light Members can set:
1767:911 Blackhole, I-Light will discard traffic toward this prefix. Only members who “own” this prefix may set the 911 community
1767:150Causes I-Light to add 50 to the default BGP Local-Preference applied to Member prefixes
1767:50Causes I-Light to subtract 50 from the default BGP Local-Preference applied to Member prefixes
1767:300set I-Light local-pref to 300
1767:400set I-Light local-pref to 400
1767:500set I-Light local-pref to 500
1767:600 set I-Light local-pref to 600

Note: Local-preference defaults (member is 250, R&E upstream is 175)